Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Civil War

The north and the south were different for many reasons, for example they had different religious and cultural views which meant they had different views on what they thought was right. They also had different ways in which they made money. The north had factories and were industrial while the south grew crops.

California was involved in the Civil War because this new state made a new constitution that didn't allow slavery and this made southerners angry because that meant that more that half of the United States believed that slavery should be abolished.

The fugitive slave law stated that alleged fugitive slaves were not entitled to a trail by jury and anyone helping slaves escape were entitled to pay a 1000 dollar fine and were placed in jail for up to 6 months. The south supported this law because this prevented people from attempting to help runaway slaves.

The Dred Scott case was about how an owner of a slave named Dred Scott took him from Missouri(a slave state) to Illinois then to Wisconsin. Dred Scott appealed to supreme court and stated he was a freeman, but the 5th amendment protected property and slaves were considered property. Northerners were outraged by the supreme's court decision and showered the court with insults.

The John Brown plan was that people seized the federal arsenal and to start a rebellion. He had hopes that people would see this as a chance to fight to abolish slavery and that people would help Brown and his abolitionist keep the federal arsenal, but instead everyone was killed and brown was charged with treason and hanged for his crimes.

What happen during the succession of the south was that the North began to hear rumors of the south's succession. At first South Carolina succeed December 20, 1860, Mississippi later followed and the rest of the southern states began to succeed. The confederate unanimously elects Jefferson Davis as president.

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