Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Bill of Rights and me

The U.S. Bill of Rights are important to me because without them the government could do whatever they wanted and abuse their power. Although we have the freedom of speech it is actually limited, for example I cannot yell "fire!"  Inside a movie theater. I basically cannot say anything that will result in chaos or with anyone getting hurt.

Without the 4th amendment the police could be able to search my car and house without a warrant and for no reason. They could search my entire house just because I'm a different ethnicity if they wanted too, but thanks to the 4th amendment they can't search my home or car without a warrant signed by a judge with details about what they are looking for and my exact location.

The 4th amendment also allows doesn't allow for unreasonable searches and seizures and this could be highly important to most people because they believe that if the police has this kind of power they would abuse it and would be randomly searching houses for no reason. another reason this could be important to most people is because maybe they have things that police will think are there for illegal reasons when they could legally have it.

There's another amendment I believe is really important and that's the 5th amendment for double jeopardy. If people could be put on trial for the same crime multiple times then the person would eventually end up in jail after a substantial amount of tries.

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