Friday, October 17, 2014

Recording a New Nation

The first president of the United States was George Washington. The reason he is such a historical figure was because he is sometimes referred to as the hero of the revolution and this lead his presidency. He is the only president to ever be chosen unanimously by his people.
George Washington came up with a system of advisors much like a king, except they were called the cabinet. Two people in his cabinet at the time where Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. These two great minds thought differently, they only wanted what they thought was best for the people. 
Thomas Jefferson wanted a local government and a limited national government while Alexander Hamilton wanted concentrated power in the federal government. 
I believe it is okay to disagree but not be disagreeable. This means that just disagreeing without listening to the other side of the argument is unacceptable because if you dont listen to what the other person has to say you could end up looking like a fool. 
If I were president of the U.S. I would rather have my cabinet disagree constantly than have my cabinet agree all the time. The reason for this is because then I can listen thoroughly to what everyone has to say and I could come up with a compromise that makes everyone happy to a certain extent.

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