Thursday, October 23, 2014

Industrial revolution

Nikola Tesla (Thomas Edison's ex-worker and rival) was a marvelous inventor and receives little to no credit on his inventions or work.

The Erie canal was a man made canal and it was significant to the U.S. because it was used to transport goods.
Free enterprise is the freedom to own a private business without government regulations. An entrepreneur is a person who is a business man who is seeking profit. They were important because they literally generate wealth. They literally generate wealth, while existing companies only redistribute their wealth, entrepreneurs, by starting a new company, they introduce new sources of wealth into their economy; first by creating new services and products people can buy and second by providing jobs for people who need them. 
Crude oil is the single most important resource that the U.S. had to help them turn themselves into an industrial worldwide power.
Black gold was significant because oil is used for everything such as machines that produce goods that can be sold to other countries. 
Steel was manufactured using the Bessmer process, which involved injecting air into molten iron to remove impurities. 
Buildings changed and improved because William Le Baron Jenner designed the first skyscraper with a steel frame that led to many more steel frame buildings.
Remote control boat used by Nikola Tesla credited as the birth of Robotics.

GE Aviation is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and this place is historical because it's where the wright brothers did there airplane testing and it is also the birthplace of aviation.
Subtractive is when you take away from the metal while additive is when you put the parts on other parts reducing leftover materials and now your making less parts.
Direct Metal Laser Melting is when Laser melts together powdered metal until the design is fully grown. They make turbines more durable and make smaller lighter parts.
in my opinon this new industrial revolution is changing how we view things for example, instead of having a lot of big strong people we can  now have regular creative people working machines that'll make parts by simply typing in what you want. This saves money and space.
Nikola Tesla's blade-less centripetal flow turbine.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Recording a New Nation

The first president of the United States was George Washington. The reason he is such a historical figure was because he is sometimes referred to as the hero of the revolution and this lead his presidency. He is the only president to ever be chosen unanimously by his people.
George Washington came up with a system of advisors much like a king, except they were called the cabinet. Two people in his cabinet at the time where Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. These two great minds thought differently, they only wanted what they thought was best for the people. 
Thomas Jefferson wanted a local government and a limited national government while Alexander Hamilton wanted concentrated power in the federal government. 
I believe it is okay to disagree but not be disagreeable. This means that just disagreeing without listening to the other side of the argument is unacceptable because if you dont listen to what the other person has to say you could end up looking like a fool. 
If I were president of the U.S. I would rather have my cabinet disagree constantly than have my cabinet agree all the time. The reason for this is because then I can listen thoroughly to what everyone has to say and I could come up with a compromise that makes everyone happy to a certain extent.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Civil War

The north and the south were different for many reasons, for example they had different religious and cultural views which meant they had different views on what they thought was right. They also had different ways in which they made money. The north had factories and were industrial while the south grew crops.

California was involved in the Civil War because this new state made a new constitution that didn't allow slavery and this made southerners angry because that meant that more that half of the United States believed that slavery should be abolished.

The fugitive slave law stated that alleged fugitive slaves were not entitled to a trail by jury and anyone helping slaves escape were entitled to pay a 1000 dollar fine and were placed in jail for up to 6 months. The south supported this law because this prevented people from attempting to help runaway slaves.

The Dred Scott case was about how an owner of a slave named Dred Scott took him from Missouri(a slave state) to Illinois then to Wisconsin. Dred Scott appealed to supreme court and stated he was a freeman, but the 5th amendment protected property and slaves were considered property. Northerners were outraged by the supreme's court decision and showered the court with insults.

The John Brown plan was that people seized the federal arsenal and to start a rebellion. He had hopes that people would see this as a chance to fight to abolish slavery and that people would help Brown and his abolitionist keep the federal arsenal, but instead everyone was killed and brown was charged with treason and hanged for his crimes.

What happen during the succession of the south was that the North began to hear rumors of the south's succession. At first South Carolina succeed December 20, 1860, Mississippi later followed and the rest of the southern states began to succeed. The confederate unanimously elects Jefferson Davis as president.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Bill of Rights and me

The U.S. Bill of Rights are important to me because without them the government could do whatever they wanted and abuse their power. Although we have the freedom of speech it is actually limited, for example I cannot yell "fire!"  Inside a movie theater. I basically cannot say anything that will result in chaos or with anyone getting hurt.

Without the 4th amendment the police could be able to search my car and house without a warrant and for no reason. They could search my entire house just because I'm a different ethnicity if they wanted too, but thanks to the 4th amendment they can't search my home or car without a warrant signed by a judge with details about what they are looking for and my exact location.

The 4th amendment also allows doesn't allow for unreasonable searches and seizures and this could be highly important to most people because they believe that if the police has this kind of power they would abuse it and would be randomly searching houses for no reason. another reason this could be important to most people is because maybe they have things that police will think are there for illegal reasons when they could legally have it.

There's another amendment I believe is really important and that's the 5th amendment for double jeopardy. If people could be put on trial for the same crime multiple times then the person would eventually end up in jail after a substantial amount of tries.