Thursday, November 20, 2014

Birth of Tycoons

The most important aspect of carnegie's life in my opinion was his rags to riches story because that made him into the person he was. He worked as a secretary for Pennsylvania railroad and he was offered a chance to buy stock. He convinced his mother to sell their home in order to buy it. He risked everything in order to buy the stock he was offered.
JP Morgan

The tycoons consisted Rockefeller, Morgan, Vanaerbilt, and Carnegie. These men achieved wealth by finding new cheaper ways to produce a product and tired new machines. Some business strategies used by tycoons are: encouraging competition, attract talent workers by great pay and benefits, as well as trying new ideas. They also did illegal things such as fix prices and get rid of the competition.
A robber baron are people who established monopolies and began to raise prices and began reducing the wages of workers.

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